
Stir The Passion In Iceland

Stir The Passion In Iceland

Passion In Iceland

All that has made an impression in one destination. Travel to Iceland and taste its’ pure water and see the greenest of countries. It is a glimpse of heaven. Today’s descriptive traveling will take us into the heavens of Iceland: One of the world’s purest and remarkable sights to see. Glance off, and see a vivid picture of a live scene constructing itself right in front of you. Now you are in it. See yourself vibrantly in your thoughts and aspirations. You have welcomed purity of thought throughout your bones.

You have arrived in Iceland, the closest place on Earth to magic. You have made an itinerary of things to see. Mine are below:

northern lights

The Aurora Lights, Oh What A Sight.

The lights are caused by the sun’s particles reacting with our atmosphere. The lights are affected by a solar cycle that lasts about 11 years. As the sun is nearing the end of its cycle, there are fewer opportunities to see the lights. I could not miss this chance. The lights are alive and dance in the sky. The colors flowing free and are like nothing that any machine can reproduce. They give me a feeling of harmonious magic that I feel all inside of my every nerve. I smile, grateful to have the chance to see such a magical and breathtaking sight.

To make things even more enchanted, Iceland has an ancient story that must be shared. A Norwegian named Ingolfur Arnarson sailed to Iceland with his family, slaves and animals around 870 AD. He dedicated his wooden pillars to the gods and threw them in the water. He vowed to settle where the sea washed them up. Three years later, his crew found the washed up pillars in Reykjavik and that is where he settled in the capital a road that leads to my subsequent adventure.



Next, I travel to the Kirkjufell Waterfall.

A photograph cannot possibly capture the dreamy place this gaze takes our bodies. To be surrounded by amazing beauty is a privilege beyond any other. You can even combine this site with the magnificence of the Aurora lights at night.

To be surrounded by exquisiteness on land, and in sky along with having all of your senses stimulated is a feeling new to experience. Listen to the sound of the waterfall breaking into the body of water and the wind whistling with the trees. Taste and smell the fresh air that fills all of your holes. Look at that pool of milky blue water, how remarkable! Grab a blanket, some fine wine, and an intelligent dime and you shall be the ultimate winner. Feeling richer than any man on earth.

The biggest plus about Iceland is anywhere you go the sky gives off a romantic ambience. Creating colors in the atmosphere that cannot be reproduced. The clouds form pictograms with your thoughts, transforming as your contemplations progress. The sky is your canvas and the clouds are your experiment.

clouds iceland

horses iceland

Run With The Wild Horses

Keep a look out on your road trip you can spot wild Icelandic horses in your sight. The Icelandic horses are one of the purest horse breeds in the world and they are filled with exuberant personalities. These horses can be spotted to be more than forty brilliant tints and their coats even change with the seasons. These horses love to be around people and truly remind us how to wholeheartedly love.

Wasn’t that fun? Take time everyday to remind yourself what you are working towards. Have a goal. Build a dream. Save for something. Live for a purpose. Life is truly made to be fun.


Violeta Mileva

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